Adult Sunday School Classes

Friendship -  8:00 AM

60 plus and retired adults (studying LifeWay Quarterly)

Location: Fellowship Hall - East

Multi-Generational Ministry - 9:00 AM

All ages welcome (studying a variety of Bible and topical studies)

Location: Fellowship Hall - West

Young Adult/Married - 9:00 AM

Young Adult/Newly Married Couples (studying a variety of Bible and topical studies)

Location: Fellowship Hall - East

Crusaders Class - 9:00 AM

Parent(s) of teens to recently-retired (studying LifeWay Quarterly)

Location: Large Youth Room

Young Adults College/Career- 10:15 AM

College-age students / young adults (studying sermon topics/questions and fellowship)

Location: Conference Room

Blueprints/Gen XYZ - 10:15 AM

Singles, young couples and parents

Location: Fellowship Hall West

Homebuilders - 10:15 AM

All ages welcome (studying LifeWay Quarterly)

Location: Fellowship Hall - West

Foundations - 10:15 AM

Parent(s) with teens/young adults (studying sermon topics/questions)

Location: Small Youth Room

Connection Groups (small groups)

Our mission with connection groups (small groups) is to provide an opportunity for people to connect with one another (six to twelve individuals) for the purpose of following the Great Commandment and accomplishing the Great Commission. If you are not part of a connection group, but would like to be, please call the church office or fill out the connection group interest form

"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" (Matthew 22:37-39)