FMC Events & Information

To view the Full FMC Church calendar click the link below.

Church Calendar

  • Hots Shots Soccer

    Registration is now open for The Bridge Hot Shots Soccer League. Hot Shots is a fun environment where kids in Pre-K - 8th grade of all skill levels can grow athletically and experience the love of Jesus. Practices begin the week of March 31st and the season runs through Mid-May.


  • wednesday nite ripples

    Classes begin Wednesday, January 29th. Adult classes include:

    • Financial Peace University
    • A Ladies Bible Study on Elijah
    • Habits of the Household
    • Emotional Healthy Spirituality
  • the wardrobe donations requested

    The Wardrobe is collecting items for their upcoming distribution day! Please drop off gently used donations at the FMC garage between 9-10 AM on April 5th or 26th. Items needed include: spring and summer clothing (newborn to adult), shoes in excellent condition, linens, new underwear and socks, belts, and purses. 


    Middle School students are invited to join us for an Escape Room experience at Escapology in Fort Wayne on April 5th, from 4-10 PM. The cost is $20, which includes dinner. 


  • lifegroup Seniors 55+

    The LifeGroup Seniors (55+) will be attending the Army Field Band and Soldiers' Chorus performance at Purdue University Fort Wayne on April 7th. The performance is free to attend. Before the concert, LifeGroup will stop for dinner at the Galley. Please sign up if you plan to join us!


  • your story matters

    Join FMC for Your Story Matters, April 9th at 7 PM. Come early and enjoy a Wrap Supper at 6 PM. Children's programing will be available through 2nd grade. 

  • Small Groups

    Are you interested in a Small Group? There will be a Small Group Interest Meeting, April 13th at 11:30 in the Fellowship Hall - West. Not able to attend, contact Michael Baer for more information.

  • easter services

    Join FMC for Easter Services. 

    • 4/13 Palm Sunday 9 & 10:15 AM
    • 4/16 Easter Eggstravaganza 6 PM
    • 4/18 Good Friday Service 7 PM
    • 4/20 Community Sunrise 6:30 AM
    • 4/20 Easter Services 9 & 10:15 AM
  • South adams A Cappella choir

    The South Adams A Cappella Choir will be performing at FMC, Sunday, April 13th at 6 PM. A cookie fellowship will follow the performance.

  • easter eggstravaganza

    Join FMC for an Easter Eggstravaganza, April 16th at 6 PM. Supper is Provided, Egg Hunt, & Easter Activities. Invite your friends and family!!!


  • good friday service

    Join FMC for a special Good Friday Service, April 18th at 7 PM. "Perspectives in the First Person," will feature four dramatic monologues from the Cross. Communion will follow.

  • community easter sunrise service

    The South Adams Ministerial Association will host the annual Community Easter Sunrise Service, April 20th at 6:30 a.m. The Sunrise Service will take place at Cross Community Church, 315 W Main St. in Berne. Jim Schwartz, First Mennonite Church Care & Visitation Pastor will be sharing the message. Music will be provided from area churches. Following the service, everyone is invited to a Sunrise Breakfast, served by the Ladies of Cross Community.

  • single again gathering

    Join the Single Again Ladies (Willa K Sprunger's Widows Group) for a special evening of Sharing the Love! Enjoy a tasty spread of ham sandwiches, mac & cheese, slaw, and a dessert buffet. Mark your calendars for April 21st at 5:30 PM!

  • camp blast

    Third & Fourth Grade Students are invited to attend Camp Blast this summer, July 21-25. There will be a parent meeting, May 4th at 11:30 AM. Contact Kate to be added to the "interested in camp" list. 

    contact kate

  • Middle & High school summer camp

    Middle & High School Summer Camp registration is now open. Register by April 1st and receive a FMSM backpack.


  • all church campout

    The All Church Campout is scheduled for July 18th - 20th at Ouabache State Park. Please reserve your campsite online at Sites will fill up quickly. Not a camper, save the date and join us for the carry-in on July 19th at 6 PM.


  • Bolivia hs vision trip

  • Ramsey+ Membership

    We’ve invested in a Ramsey+ site license so every family in our church has access to a one-year membership full of tools and resources to help you honor God with your money

    Ramsey+ Membership