To view the Full FMC Church calendar click the link below.
FMC Events & Information
special interview
Larry and Linda Ralph will share their story of serving in Haiti, including hosting the South Adams "Dots in Blue Water" teams from 2012-2019. They will also highlight their most recent hurricane relief project, which was supported by FMC and our community. Join us for this special interview, Wednesday, January 22nd at 7 PM. Children and Student Ministries will meet during this time.
wednesday nite ripples
Classes begin Wednesday, January 29th. Adult classes include:
- Financial Peace University
- A Ladies Bible Study on Elijah
- Habits of the Household
- Emotional Healthy Spirituality
breakfast fundraiser
Student Ministries will be hosting a Breakfast Fundraiser, Sunday, February 2nd from 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. Breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, and fruit. Breakfast is by donation. Proceeds will go toward.
winter jam
Student Ministries will be going to Winter Jam, February 6th. Students need to bring $15 cash to get in the door. Supper will be provided.
4th & 5th grade winter jam
4th & 5th Grade students will be going to Winter Jam, February 6th. Students need $15 cash and money for fast food. Space is limited.
2025 Marriage Conference
We’re excited to welcome former NBA player, Bay Forrest and wife Peg, to Adams County for the Adams County Strong 2025 Marriage Conference. Friday, February 7, from 6:30-9:00 pm and on Saturday, February 8, from 1:00-4:30 pm. Childcare will be provided on Friday evening only. The Speakers will be live at the Adams County Fairgrounds Expo Center. Couples are encouraged to go on a date night at the conclusion of the conference Saturday evening.
all church campout
The All Church Campout is scheduled for July 18th - 20th at Ouabache State Park. Please reserve your campsite online at Sites will fill up quickly. Not a camper, save the date and join us for the carry-in on July 19th at 6 PM.
Ramsey+ Membership
We’ve invested in a Ramsey+ site license so every family in our church has access to a one-year membership full of tools and resources to help you honor God with your money